Friday 28 March 2014

Photography and Patience: The Ethereal Light

Making an apparently simple image may be a test of patience, luck, perseverance and courage, in the midst of risk (at times). 
Practitioners of the photographic art are very much aware of this scenario. 
For instance, I have gone through the experience of making a photograph that took me a year!
Therefore, let me take you though this experience as you paint in your mind's eye the resulting photograph from my encounter with what I will call this ethereal light!

It was a sudden awareness on a Sunday afternoon in my living room as I marveled when I noticed a shaft of light falling on the wall.

It was a deep yellow at first and it changed within minutes into a sweet orange hue, as the sun went down below the horizon in the distance 
Then twilight came. 
I wasn't prepared but I enjoyed the few minutes while it lasted but I had my camera ready the following day, day in day out...but not to be seen again

I took consolation that I could always wait having noted the month, the week and the hour. 
A year later I waited for that period and since I had a preconceived composition in my mind, two shots of my model - in silhouette-before the sunset faded. 
This is not digital manipulation. This is nature at work. And that was it. Patience! 
Exercising patience is one of the hallmarks of great landscape photographers. Invariably many practitioners need this attribute even in the different areas of photography too.

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