Tuesday 25 March 2014

Learning From Nature Secrets

Let us give a thought to those wonders of nature we regard to as 'little' things.

For instance, a flower bud conjures up a feeling of beauty and tranquility.
 It is one of the wonders of nature. 
Depending on how we appreciate our surroundings, the positive aspect and manifestation of nature would be a very good antidote to the depletion of mental energy. 
Appreciation for 'little' things might take us to a higher realm of understanding possibly making us to reorder our values and to be at peace with ourselves and fellow human beings: in the same breadth making us to be less vain in our actions. 
Nature also heals, as it provides a quiet therapeutic effect if it is well nurtured. And much more...

You might be wondering why my advocacy for nature and its wonders?

It is just out of sheer concern for another solution to stem the tide of negativity perpetrated across our space; 
where life has become so cheap in the quest for personal gain-as against collective gains. 

Jokes aside and on a serious notes, one wonders if these perpetrators of evil have had the experience of taking a pause and simply ask what is life all about?
Therefore, I am offering a practical step. 

Let them try this seemingly 'stupid' exercise. 
They should 'command' (as they wont to do) their gardener to apportion a bit of the courtyard to them instead for them to tend and nurture over a period.

Let the privileged - that have well adorned courtyard in their homes - nurture a seed into a full-blown plant ensuring in due course that beautiful flowers sprout from them. 
Thereafter, let them reflect deeply if the experience has been worthwhile.

Experience of patience, nursing and blooming!
This certainly could be therapeutic.

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