Thursday, 13 March 2014

Forgiveness As A Self-Centred Attribute

Forgiveness is good for self preservation.

When you forgive, your soul, body and mind definitely benefit more than otherwise.
Forgiveness does not necessarily mean forgetting. The event happened!
The cliche "forgive and forget" is a wrong principle for me.

I guess it means, don't dwell on it and so you want to move on.
Depending on the individual and the severity of the bad experience, the thought may linger on or future events might kill it in your mind.
That will be nice.

Examples are abound on a global scale.
Opposing parties come to the round table and settle amicably but once in a while, something throws up remembrance.
Same applies on the flip side: good experience. 
A piece of music could trigger.
You may not have control over these external stimuli.

As human, if our senses are still intact, it is natural to remember some things; good or bad in the course of our existence.
Life has taught me in a real practical sense of it, that it is so.
Having said that, what it means is that, you can now "see" much better to avoid an impending onslaught on your person, next time.

If the pains were to be very heavy on your soul, I will be realistic to say you will have a lot of work to keep it out of your mind.

Some of us may not forgive but we won't retaliate even if circumstances give us the power to do that.
To retaliate for some people, is too much of a burden and they just let things be. But we shouldn't assume they are fools. It is just not their nature to retaliate. But they remember the bad experience.

Not because they want to forgive but that is the closest mindset they want to have, to continue their life by not retaliating. But they may not forget depending on the circumstance.
 It is an individualistic feeling.
Though forgiveness could be seen as a welcome self-centered attribute.
Good for one's soul if we look at it deeply.

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